Gamezon: Get Ready for Gaming Adventure!
The Story of Gamezon
I was recently challenged to create a concept for a new online store. This new website creation of mine is called Gamezon for a reason. It is the place where Amazon meets video games.
Final Product Demo
Website Overview Statement
The website title is called Gamezon, founded in 2023 with the intention of offering an online store that allows people to have easy access to video games and consoles. One selling point of Gamezon is that it does everything it can to make sure that the customer gets whatever they want since Gamezon puts people above everything else. In this blog, I will cover some of the steps I took to create my website and highlight some of the special features it offers.
The Gamezon Website Pages consists of six webpages, including the following:
- Homepage
- Login page
- Membership page
- Shopping page
- Single item page
- Subscription page
Let’s explore each one.
“Get ready to go on an adventure in Gamezon.”
Since this is the first page that people will see when they come to Gamezon, I wanted the homepage to be simple and straight to the point. It also had to be involving in order to get people to click through and browse the website. I also included social media links, which are important because you want people talking about Gamezon on their social pages.
Login Here
To create the Login page, I looked at other websites and observed best practices. All of them had User ID and Password boxes, so I included those in my Login page.
Members are Special
Membership has its advantages, especially here. Gamezon members get access to special sale prices. This page allows members to click through to get special discounts.
Let’s Shop
This is the page customers use when they browse and shop for products. It is straightforward and easy to use.
Add to Cart
This is the page customers use once they find what they want to buy. This shows what a single product looks like when customers click through the shopping page. Customers can see the “Buy Now” and “Add to Cart” buttons along with a Subscription Bonus.
Free Trial
This page shows some of the subscription terms that are available at Gamezon. The “Try it Now” button gives customers a free one-month trial subscription.
Special Features
There are three main features I felt were important and help to make Gamezon unique. These features are as follows:
- Color Scheme
- Simple Design
- Subscription System
Color Scheme
I decided to have green as Gamezon’s primary color. The reason for this is because I don’t see too many electronics stores that use green as a primary color, and I wanted my store to stand out from the rest. Green is the color of relaxation and nature. By choosing green, I wanted to set a relaxing mood for my customers.
Simple Design
I went with a simple design because I wanted to be straight to the point. I want my store to be honest and straightforward which is what this store is all about. This design choice appeals to human psychology since it is easy for the brain to understand the layout. Common conventions such as menu buttons at the top of the page make the website organized in an easy-to-use manner.
Subscription System
Customers login to their account and subscribe for a certain number of months. Subscribers are eligible for free shipping guaranteed on any product they want. This decision was made to attract and appeal to customers.
Getting Started with Designing
The original concept for Gamezon was to make it easier for the gaming community to acquire the latest games. Once that idea was born, I looked at existing websites to gain inspiration from what others were doing and noticed their best practices.
My webpages started off as sketches which turned into wireframes. Creating wireframes makes it easier to visualize how the website will look and makes it easier to fill in the details later. Here is what my wireframe stage looked like:
Next Steps
After the wireframes were designed, I considered what color to choose. I mostly had green in mind because it would set the mood for relaxation. People in today’s world need healthy ways to relax, and video games are a good outlet for stress that accumulates throughout the day. The colors and additional details of each page were filled in next.
This project needed revising along the way, as most projects do. I revised my website with a few design changes. Mainly, I did some reorganizing in order to make the website easier to use. The spacing was tight originally, so I did what I could to open things up. It was also suggested to change the shape of the buttons to open them up. I also added proper navigation to some of the pages.
Final Product
After several revisions, my project was finished, and the website was born. The Game is On with Gamezon!